Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in
Our backs were turned on God. We wanted no part of him. We were not seeking God. We were seeking to fill our lives with the things that brought pleasure. Our heart did not fear God; we feared not getting what we wanted.
But even in our wretched state of sinfulness, God shows his amazing love for us! God did not wait for us to get our spiritual act together. He is supremely willing to demonstrate His love that He gave His Son for sinners so that all can see it. This is the proof of His love for us.
God’s love surpasses the most extreme sacrifice of man for others. God demonstrates how great is His love for us by sacrificing His most beloved Son. God continuously establishes His love because even today the death of Christ for our sins remains His most striking manifestation of His love.
Christ died for us while we were in our sinful state. A sinner is someone who cannot conform to the absolute standards of God. In every way he fails to measure up to what God expects. This describes each and every person in the world. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3.23. But we have great hope because God's wrath is satisfied by the vicarious substitution of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, on the cross. This is the way God shows his great love toward sinners. Christ died for us while we were in our sinful state.
A sinner is someone who cannot conform to the absolute standards of God. In every way he fails to measure up to what God expects. This describes each and every person in the world. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3.23. But we have great hope because God's wrath is satisfied by the vicarious substitution of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, on the cross. This is the way God shows his great love toward sinners.
God’s love operates irrespective of human merit. Christ’s death benefits sinners by sacrifice provided by God. God demonstrates his love to the “weak,” “ungodly,” “sinners,” and “enemies.” It is patently clear that there is no qualification in God’s love; He leaves no one out of His love. There is no previous love on our part. God loves us before we make any move toward Him.
God does not love us on the basis of what we do or how we do it. He does not love us only so long as we love Him. He loves sinners unconditionally. Our Lord proves it by sacrificing His Son for us. His love does not depend on who and what we are. God’s love for us is not based on our attractiveness to God.
From my heart,
Has this verse spoken to you in a special way? Submit your story or reflections to us at: devotional@keywicards.com
“Writing on our hearts” is more than just a blog, we are an online community of Christians who share how God’s word has changed our hearts and our lives, especially through meditation, study, and memorization.
Please write us! We’d love to hear how this verse has ministered to you and what God has spoken to you through its truth!
But God demonstrates his own love for
us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died
for us.

But even in our wretched state of sinfulness, God shows his amazing love for us! God did not wait for us to get our spiritual act together. He is supremely willing to demonstrate His love that He gave His Son for sinners so that all can see it. This is the proof of His love for us.
God’s love surpasses the most extreme sacrifice of man for others. God demonstrates how great is His love for us by sacrificing His most beloved Son. God continuously establishes His love because even today the death of Christ for our sins remains His most striking manifestation of His love.
Christ died for us while we were in our sinful state. A sinner is someone who cannot conform to the absolute standards of God. In every way he fails to measure up to what God expects. This describes each and every person in the world. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3.23. But we have great hope because God's wrath is satisfied by the vicarious substitution of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, on the cross. This is the way God shows his great love toward sinners. Christ died for us while we were in our sinful state.

God’s love operates irrespective of human merit. Christ’s death benefits sinners by sacrifice provided by God. God demonstrates his love to the “weak,” “ungodly,” “sinners,” and “enemies.” It is patently clear that there is no qualification in God’s love; He leaves no one out of His love. There is no previous love on our part. God loves us before we make any move toward Him.
God does not love us on the basis of what we do or how we do it. He does not love us only so long as we love Him. He loves sinners unconditionally. Our Lord proves it by sacrificing His Son for us. His love does not depend on who and what we are. God’s love for us is not based on our attractiveness to God.
From my heart,
Has this verse spoken to you in a special way? Submit your story or reflections to us at: devotional@keywicards.com
“Writing on our hearts” is more than just a blog, we are an online community of Christians who share how God’s word has changed our hearts and our lives, especially through meditation, study, and memorization.
Please write us! We’d love to hear how this verse has ministered to you and what God has spoken to you through its truth!