When we study, understand, and commit a scripture verse to memory, something special happens!

Bible verse memorization is unlike any other kind of memorization. It is not the same as recalling information for a Biology exam or memorizing historical facts. Much like the daily food we eat, God’s word is meant to be chewed on, swallowed, and assimilated. Spiritual truth provides wisdom and godly principles meant to be lived-out and applied to our lives. God’s words are life-giving and life-changing, utterly matchless in worth!
God's Word is written on our hearts. I love the vivid imagery the apostle Paul used to describe how God writes on our hearts:
"...you are a letter from Christ...written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts." 2 Corinthians 3:3 (NIV)
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Read more: Why Memorize? and Tips for Memorization

Bible verse memorization is unlike any other kind of memorization. It is not the same as recalling information for a Biology exam or memorizing historical facts. Much like the daily food we eat, God’s word is meant to be chewed on, swallowed, and assimilated. Spiritual truth provides wisdom and godly principles meant to be lived-out and applied to our lives. God’s words are life-giving and life-changing, utterly matchless in worth!
Just like the manna the Israelites ate
in the desert, God teaches us that His word provides us with daily spiritual
nutrition, essential for our health and growth. When tempted in the wilderness
to break his fast and turn a stone into bread, Jesus quoted the Old Testament law: “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4 NIV)
Anyone can spout off scripture and
appear spiritual without actually applying God’s words and principles to their
life. Jesus had a name for people who do
that: “hypocrites!”(Matthew 23:13, 15, 23)
He also called people with only head knowledge of scripture a “brood of
vipers” and “white-washed tombs.”(Matthew 23:27, 33) That’s something that you
and I want to fervently avoid! There is
a BIG difference between memorizing words or phrases in your head and actually
applying and obeying what is memorized to your life.
James reminded us to do what the word
says: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.” (James 1:22-24, NIV)
When we actually live out what God’s
word commands us to believe or do, we show that we have heart knowledge and not
just mere head knowledge of the Bible. God is much more concerned with our obedience
and the purity of our hearts than with the amount of scripture we can recite.
The best method for ensuring you are
getting a “heart” knowledge of your memory verses is to first make sure you
truly understand the meaning of what you are memorizing. Study the verse in context, look up any words
you don’t understand, or try reading the verse in another translation.
If you are using a Keywi flashpak(TM), you can search under each tab heading for the verse you are memorizing. Then you can click on the verse to read a short devotional and contextual explanation.
If you are using a Keywi flashpak(TM), you can search under each tab heading for the verse you are memorizing. Then you can click on the verse to read a short devotional and contextual explanation.
Secondly, ask yourself how such truth
applies to your life. Ask God for
conviction of anything you need to do or say in response to His words. If you memorize a declaration of God’s
character, linger in a moment of praise and adoration of His goodness! Thank Him for who He is and for the blessings
He’s given you. Perhaps a friend will
come to mind who needs prayer or encouragement specific to the content of the
verse you are memorizing. Follow-through
with your convictions and act on God’s prompting! Endeavor to have a soft heart towards God’s
word and allow it to mold and shape your thoughts and attitudes.