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Tips for Memorization using Keywis

Take your Keywi cards wherever you go to make best use of your spare moments!
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WHERE: Keywi™ cards are meant to help keep your memory verses always on hand. Most people find keeping them on their keys the best way to always have their verses with them. For others, keeping them strapped to a purse, backpack, belt loop, or water bottle, might be the best strategy.

WHEN: Once you’ve decided where to attach your keywiTM cards, look for spare moments throughout your day to read through, recite, review, and repeat the flashcards. Some common opportunities to do this include waiting in a check-out line, pumping gas, waiting for a meeting to begin, in the midst of a traffic jam, at lunchtime, during a break, or while taking a walk.

WHAT: Choose a pack of flashcards that best suits your current need or get a pack of blank cards to customize the verses you want to memorize. It is important to strive for 100% accuracy when you memorize. Not only will it be easier to recall in the future, but it will help you understand the specific meaning of the verse. Most importantly, these are God’s true words for applying to your life so it is important to be faithful in accurate memorization!

HOW: The best memorization strategies will vary from person to person, but some helpful tactics include:

-memorize a verse phrase-by-phrase, break-up the task to make it easier

-read the verse over and over again, then try to repeat it by memory

-read the verse aloud, then repeat by memory

-imagine pictures in your mind of the content in your verse or imagine the words on the card

- draw pictures on the front side of the card to help you remember the content of the verse and envision what you are memorizing

-repeat and review verses you already memorized to build on your scripture knowledge

-ask a friend to memorize with you to keep you accountable

-have a friend check-up on your memorization by quizzing you with your flashcards

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