I trust in God my refuge
"I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God in whom I trust!"
When you go through difficult or dangerous circumstances, what comes out of your mouth? Do you declare your confidence in your God? I'm reminded of Bible characters such as David, Joshua, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedego who boldy declared their trust in the Lord in the midst of danger.
In response to God's promise to shelter us as our dwelling place, this Psalm now encourages us to speak God's words back to Him. How powerful it is to speak our prayers out loud, beginning with who God is and our relationship with Him! We need to be reminded of such truths daily. Hearing your own voice declare your trust in God increases your confidence in Him and His protection.
Speaking directly to the Lord, the Psalmist repeats the word "my" three times. This reveals his deep, personal relationship with God as his refuge, his fortress, and his God. A refuge provides protection, escape, safety, and relief from whatever difficulty we face. God Himself is truly a place of shelter from any storm. A fortress is a place of strong, fortified walls, which protect soldiers in battle. Even under enemy attack, God's walls are surround us like a fortress.
The Psalmist concludes with a bold assertion: "My God in whom I trust!" His God, the one he worships, honors, obeys, and loves, is the Sovereign Lord of the universe, the creator of the heavens and earth. In God we place our trust, there is no one nor anything that is more worthy of our trust. In the same way, Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to: "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." How often we rely on our own reasoning or perceptions to interpret circumstances. It feels contrary to our nature to trust, yet God implores us to trust Him. He is the only One who is trustworthy! He alone knows us fully inside and out. He goes before us and is with us always. Put your hand in His and know that He will lead and guide you, making all your paths straight as you follow Him!
From my heart,
"I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God in whom I trust!"
When you go through difficult or dangerous circumstances, what comes out of your mouth? Do you declare your confidence in your God? I'm reminded of Bible characters such as David, Joshua, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedego who boldy declared their trust in the Lord in the midst of danger.
In response to God's promise to shelter us as our dwelling place, this Psalm now encourages us to speak God's words back to Him. How powerful it is to speak our prayers out loud, beginning with who God is and our relationship with Him! We need to be reminded of such truths daily. Hearing your own voice declare your trust in God increases your confidence in Him and His protection.
Speaking directly to the Lord, the Psalmist repeats the word "my" three times. This reveals his deep, personal relationship with God as his refuge, his fortress, and his God. A refuge provides protection, escape, safety, and relief from whatever difficulty we face. God Himself is truly a place of shelter from any storm. A fortress is a place of strong, fortified walls, which protect soldiers in battle. Even under enemy attack, God's walls are surround us like a fortress.
The Psalmist concludes with a bold assertion: "My God in whom I trust!" His God, the one he worships, honors, obeys, and loves, is the Sovereign Lord of the universe, the creator of the heavens and earth. In God we place our trust, there is no one nor anything that is more worthy of our trust. In the same way, Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to: "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." How often we rely on our own reasoning or perceptions to interpret circumstances. It feels contrary to our nature to trust, yet God implores us to trust Him. He is the only One who is trustworthy! He alone knows us fully inside and out. He goes before us and is with us always. Put your hand in His and know that He will lead and guide you, making all your paths straight as you follow Him!
From my heart,
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“Writing on our hearts” is more than just a blog, we are an online community of Christians who share how God’s word has changed our hearts and our lives, especially through meditation, study, and memorization.
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