"Search me, God, and know my heart; test
me and know my anxious thoughts.
I love the Psalms. Perhaps it is the English major in me. They are deeply poetic and thick with emotion. David's intimate relationship with the Lord is on display throughout the Psalms. He invites God in to the depths of his heart. David bravely makes this prayer request of God himself. He knows
that God knows everything about him, but He asks God to give him real
tests in real life – not just in a academic setting – to see where he
stands in his life purpose before God. He wants to know how he scores on
the tests so he can improve his way of living before God. David wants to know if there is any wicked way, purpose,
intention, direction for life or choices within him. He does not want to
sin or practice sin in any way or to any degree. He wants to remove or
have God remove any wickedness within him, so he will walk in the ways
of God at all times – the way everlasting.
I wish I could say I've mastered the practice of this verse. I honestly am not very good at it yet. It's easier to pretend all is well, and assume I'm on the right track rather than risk being confronted and told otherwise.
But, thankfully, I am a work in progress. Recently, the Holy Spirit has convicted me and stirred a desire to root out sinful thoughts and feelings that are clogging up my heart. This desire prompted me to begin my devotional time with David's prayer request. I want the Lord to lead me in the way everlasting, and want to trust and obey Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I, like David, know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. (Psalm 51:3). By approaching the Lord and requesting He know my heart and test me to see if there is any offensive way in me, I am submitting myself to being changed. As I invite God in, and request that he remove the wickedness within me, He is faithful to lovingly instruct and guide me so I can walk closely with Him.
From my heart, Acacia
Has this verse spoken to you in a special way? Submit your story or reflections to us at: devotional@keywicards.com
See if there is any offensive way in
me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
I wish I could say I've mastered the practice of this verse. I honestly am not very good at it yet. It's easier to pretend all is well, and assume I'm on the right track rather than risk being confronted and told otherwise.

From my heart, Acacia
Has this verse spoken to you in a special way? Submit your story or reflections to us at: devotional@keywicards.com
“Writing on our hearts” is more than just a blog, we are an
online community of Christians who share how God’s word has changed our hearts
and our lives, especially through meditation, study, and memorization. Please write us! We’d love to hear how this
verse has ministered to you and what God has spoken to you through its truth!