I dwell in God’s shelter
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."

Who is your dwelling place?
Throughout the storms of life, God provides for us a shelter. That shelter is Himself! When you are in relationship with Him through His Son Jesus, God's presence is with you always (Matthew 28:20). He reminds us here that He is the Most High AND the Almighty God. His power and authority far surpass all others. He is the Creator of all; the King of kings and Lord of lords. This verse reminds us that whenever we consider God, we first need to remember who He is.
Knowing who God is is the first step to enter His shelter. God is holy and He has made it very clear that our only means of approaching Him is through His Son Jesus (John 14:6). Jesus is the door to God's presence. If you have asked Him to be your Savior and Lord, the door is open to you and God invites you to take refuge in Him! What it means to "dwell" in God's shelter is to posses a personal, ongoing relationship with God. Know that He is your loving Father and you are His son or daughter. He provides for you and will take care of you all the days of your life. In response, you love and submit to Him as He leads you. When (not if) you make mistakes, He is ready to forgive you and welcome you back with open arms (1 John 1:9).
Another way to picture dwelling in God's shelter is living your life with Jesus as your King. As part of His Kingdom, you are literally dwelling inside His castle! When you are in His place of refuge, know that this is where you can stay and abide. Some Bible translations translate "abide" as "rest." When you know and believe the truth that God is indeed with you always, you can truly rest in His presence at all times.
Does this describe you or your desire to live? The door is open. Come to God in prayer and enter His shelter. Abide in His truth and love and you will find rest for your soul!
From my heart,
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty."

Who is your dwelling place?
Throughout the storms of life, God provides for us a shelter. That shelter is Himself! When you are in relationship with Him through His Son Jesus, God's presence is with you always (Matthew 28:20). He reminds us here that He is the Most High AND the Almighty God. His power and authority far surpass all others. He is the Creator of all; the King of kings and Lord of lords. This verse reminds us that whenever we consider God, we first need to remember who He is.
Knowing who God is is the first step to enter His shelter. God is holy and He has made it very clear that our only means of approaching Him is through His Son Jesus (John 14:6). Jesus is the door to God's presence. If you have asked Him to be your Savior and Lord, the door is open to you and God invites you to take refuge in Him! What it means to "dwell" in God's shelter is to posses a personal, ongoing relationship with God. Know that He is your loving Father and you are His son or daughter. He provides for you and will take care of you all the days of your life. In response, you love and submit to Him as He leads you. When (not if) you make mistakes, He is ready to forgive you and welcome you back with open arms (1 John 1:9).
Another way to picture dwelling in God's shelter is living your life with Jesus as your King. As part of His Kingdom, you are literally dwelling inside His castle! When you are in His place of refuge, know that this is where you can stay and abide. Some Bible translations translate "abide" as "rest." When you know and believe the truth that God is indeed with you always, you can truly rest in His presence at all times.
Does this describe you or your desire to live? The door is open. Come to God in prayer and enter His shelter. Abide in His truth and love and you will find rest for your soul!
From my heart,
Has this verse spoken to you in a special way? Submit your story or reflections to us at: devotional@keywicards.com
“Writing on our hearts” is more than just a blog, we are an online community of Christians who share how God’s word has changed our hearts and our lives, especially through meditation, study, and memorization.
Please write us! We’d love to hear how this verse has ministered to you and what God has spoken to you through its truth!