God will save me
"For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence"
God promises double-deliverance!
What does it look like to abide in God's shelter? Placing your trust in God as your refuge, and fortress, there is no reason to fear. "For it is He who delivers you..." This Psalm now transitions into listing promise after promise of God's deliverance for His people. This verse promises a two-fold deliverance both from traps and deadly disease (pestilence).
The first deliverance "from the snare of the trapper" gives us imagery from hunting wildlife. A trapper will strategically place traps where the animal will most easily be enticed. Camouflaged with its surroundings, the unassuming animal is lured in and caught before he has a chance to escape. A trap is deceiving and once caught in one, it leads to death! But what about "traps" for humans? We have an enemy who knows exactly what will bait and entice us to be caught in his trap. Sin always looks good and seems fun for awhile, but in the end it leads to slavery and death. God makes it clear that He never tempts us, but one of the enemy's chief tactics is deceit and temptation. We are given the promise of deliverance, whatever traps we may face in life. Even when we are tempted, God always provides a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).
The second deliverance is from "the deadly pestilence." Another way to say this is deadly disease. It is clear that the perfect world that God created has been corrupted with evil. Disease and illness are a result of sin and the curse we live under because of the fall. One day, God will restore all of us to perfect health, but until that day, we can take hold of this promise that we will indeed be delivered! God cares about our spiritual AND physical health. Jesus Himself cured all kinds of diseases and brought about a literal, physical fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy: "He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases." (Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16-17). Partial healing may come in this life, but we are absolutely assured of God's perfect, total, complete healing in His Kingdom to come. In that day, all God created will be fully restored and our healing will be perfect and eternally permanent! Jesus Himself, echoed this verse in the Lord's Prayer. The last lines ask for this two-fold deliverance: "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:13)
Take heart and be assured. He will indeed deliver you from temptation (traps) and from all evil!
From my heart,
"For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence"
What does it look like to abide in God's shelter? Placing your trust in God as your refuge, and fortress, there is no reason to fear. "For it is He who delivers you..." This Psalm now transitions into listing promise after promise of God's deliverance for His people. This verse promises a two-fold deliverance both from traps and deadly disease (pestilence).
The first deliverance "from the snare of the trapper" gives us imagery from hunting wildlife. A trapper will strategically place traps where the animal will most easily be enticed. Camouflaged with its surroundings, the unassuming animal is lured in and caught before he has a chance to escape. A trap is deceiving and once caught in one, it leads to death! But what about "traps" for humans? We have an enemy who knows exactly what will bait and entice us to be caught in his trap. Sin always looks good and seems fun for awhile, but in the end it leads to slavery and death. God makes it clear that He never tempts us, but one of the enemy's chief tactics is deceit and temptation. We are given the promise of deliverance, whatever traps we may face in life. Even when we are tempted, God always provides a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).
The second deliverance is from "the deadly pestilence." Another way to say this is deadly disease. It is clear that the perfect world that God created has been corrupted with evil. Disease and illness are a result of sin and the curse we live under because of the fall. One day, God will restore all of us to perfect health, but until that day, we can take hold of this promise that we will indeed be delivered! God cares about our spiritual AND physical health. Jesus Himself cured all kinds of diseases and brought about a literal, physical fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy: "He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases." (Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16-17). Partial healing may come in this life, but we are absolutely assured of God's perfect, total, complete healing in His Kingdom to come. In that day, all God created will be fully restored and our healing will be perfect and eternally permanent! Jesus Himself, echoed this verse in the Lord's Prayer. The last lines ask for this two-fold deliverance: "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:13)
Take heart and be assured. He will indeed deliver you from temptation (traps) and from all evil!
From my heart,
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“Writing on our hearts” is more than just a blog, we are an online community of Christians who share how God’s word has changed our hearts and our lives, especially through meditation, study, and memorization.
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